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Menu and Icon in Ms. Word

Sunday, 17 January 20100 komentar

Microsoft Word ( Ms. Word) is word processing software which will be discussed in this teaching material, although still many word processings programs utilizing by of consumers, like WordStar, AmiPro, WordPerfect and others and or being based on open source. In This Case Ms. More word provide amenity facility in its use, give maximal result in the processing, is then appearance drawing in the output is and others. Program the application of Microsoft Word have individuality that is the ikon in form of letter W and the Ekstention is doc. Word is one of package from Microsoft Office which direlease by world house software, Microsoft.

Hereunder is a picture from Microsoft Word base element

Keterangan (explanation):
1. Title bar atau Baris Judul merupakan program aplikasi dari file yang aktif
Title bar or Baris Judul is application program from active file
2. Icon control menu merupakan menu yang digunakan untuk mengontrol jendela yang sedang aktif.
Icon control menu is menu which applied for controlling window being is active.
3. Menu Bar (Baris Menu) berisi perintah berupa menu-menu perintah yang terdapat dalam Microsoft word dimulai dari menu File sampai dengan Help.
Menu Bar ( Menu line) contain comand in the form of comands menus which there are in Microsoft words are started from menus File up to Help.
4. Standard Toolbar berisi perintah-perintah shotcut (singkat) yang membentuk icon-icon berupa icon New, Open, Save, Print, Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, Redo dan seterusnya.
Standard Toolbar contain comands shotcut ( shortened) forming icon-icon in the form of icon New, Open, Save, Print, Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, Redo and so.
5. Formatting Toolbar berisi fasilitas-fasilitas untuk memformat teks berupa jenis huruf, tebal, miring, garis bawah, rata kiri, tengah, rata kanan, rata kiri dan kanan dan seterusnya.
Formatting Toolbar contain facilitys for texts formats in the form of body types, thick, heeled, under line, left plane, middle, right plane, right and left plane and so.
6. Ruler Lines (baris penggaris) berisi pengaturan paragraf, batas kiri dan kanan pengetikan, tabulasi, tepi kiri dan kanan ukuran kertas dan lain-lain.
Ruler Lines ( ruler line) contain arrangement of paragraph, right and left boundary of typing, tabulation, left margin and right of paper size and others.
7. Drawing Toolbar (baris gambar) berisi fasilitas sederhana untuk menggambar, terdapat juga Word Art, Clip Art, Teks Box dan lain-lain.
Drawing Toolbar ( line drew) contain simple facility for drawing, there are also Word, Art, Clip, Art, Text Box and others.
8. View Layout Toolbar adalah Jenis-jenis view berisi jenis-jenis tampilan layar baik normal, Web Layout, Print, Layout dan Outline.
View Layout Toolbar is Types view contain normal good screen displays types, Web, Layout, Print Layout and Outline.
9. Status Bar adalah Baris status, untuk menampilkan berbagai informasi mengenai sesuatu hal yang berhubungan dengan posisi titik sisip sekarang berada.
Status Bar is Status line, to present various informations concerning something thingses related to position of dots interpolating present stay.
10. Vertical Scroll bar adalah Baris penggulung berisi fasilitas untuk menggulung layar ke atas dan kebawah.
Vertical Scroll bar is Winder line contain facility for clewing up to the above and the under.
11. Horizontal scroll bar adalah Baris penggulung berisi fasilitas , untuk menggulung layar ke kiri dan ke kanan.
Horizontal scroll bar is Winder line contain facility , to clew up dextrorse and sinistrorse
12. Restore down adalah ukuran untuk menentukan besarnya layar tampilan, apakah diperbesar penuh satu layar atau diperkecil.
Restore down is measure for determining level of appearance [screen/sail], do full enlarged one [screen/sail] or minimized.
13. Task Pane, adalah Perintah-perintah yang disediakan dalam bentuk panel perintah
Task, Pane, is Comands which provided in the form of panels governing
14. Insertion Point adalah kursor atau titik sisip berbentuk garis yang selalu berkedip-kedip.
Insertion Point is dot or cursor interpolate in form of line the always “on”.

1. Menu Bar

Ikon-ikon yang aktif adalah Standard dan Formatting (default). Menu dan ikon pada Microsoft Word banyak sekali ragamnya, bahkan dapat diatur ulang (customize) sesuai kebutuhan pengguna.
Active icons are Standard and Formatting ( default). Menu and ikon at Microsoft Word a lot of the manner, is even organizable repeated ( customize) according to requirement of consumer.

2. Standard Toolbar

Standard Toolbar merupakan kumpulan ikon-ikon standar yang disediakan oleh microsoft word secara otomatis. Standard Toolbar is gathering of standards icons provided by microsoft words automatically.

3. Formatting Toolbar

Formatting Toolbar merupakan kumpulan ikon-ikon yang disediakan oleh microsoft word untuk memformat pada dokumen yang sedang aktif.
Formatting Toolbar is gathering of ikons provided by microsoft words for formats at document being are active.

4. Drawing Toolbar

Drawing Toolbar merupakan kumpulan icon-icon yang disediakan oleh microsoft word untuk membuat dan memberikan efek gambar.
Drawing Toolbar is gathering of icon-icon provided by microsoft word for making and give effect drawing.
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